fetish |_feti sh |
noun. a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
feederism |'feed er ism|
noun. deriving sexual pleasure from the act of feeding or being fed. Deriving sexual pleasure from gaining or helping another gain weight.
I thought I had seen the weirdest of sexual fetish until someone emailed me a link to a "Size Acceptance" community where I was introduced the phenomenon of "feedees" and "feeders". While this is nothing new, in fact it was the subject of a fairly popular indie horror movie 2005 "Feed" , I had never seen anything like it.
The Feeder/Feedee community is an offshoot of the "fat admirer" community and divides its mother community often. While most fat admirers have a visual fetish for obesity, a feeder is aroused by the watching someone consume food, monitoring weight gain or literally feeding another person food. The feedee is aroused by the act of being fed, eating and gaining weight.
I can see how such a fetish could surface, especially in our extremely weight conscious culture. When Jessica Simpson gaining ten pounds can land on every other magazine cover, it might feel liberating to just say, "I'm letting it all hang out!". Rebelling against an unreachable goal might feel great, but like every great feeling taking it to the extreme is dangerous.
What disturbs me about the feedees is that many of the vocal feedees are owners of pornographic websites, were gluttony is aligned with submission. They draw subscribers in by promising to fulfill fantasies by expanding their bodies, ignoring their own health and a few extreme cases going to so far as to wish to be fed until they are immobile.
Some of these same people feel that they are working to help the world accept fat people. As a fat girl, this makes me see red. This is like NAMBLA thinking they are pioneers in gay rights crusade. I can't think of a bigger mockery of fat people than for a person who claims to have started 5'11 and 160 and ballooned to 450 pounds for the sexual gratification others to say they are representing size acceptance.
The perception of fat people as wonton immoral gluttons is exactly what feeds the apprehension many have for overweight people. I certainly did not spend hours upon hours of my day eating and rubbing my belly with chocolate sauce and I'd vouch for most plumpers when I most have no interest in gaining for pleasure. Why are these gainers and fetishizers of fat mad the mouthpieces of overweight people so often on talk shows?
I don't want a suicidal person talking for me, that's the only word I can use to describe a person that wants to gain over 300 pounds in under 10 years. The human body just isn't made to withstand that.
Obesity carries so many health risks. The quality of life of a person who is 400 pounds is just not something to be desired. Labored breathing, aching joints, not to mention the increased risk of infertility all things that come with morbid obesity.
Being a feedee is simply not worth it. A feeder who is interested in you willingness to hurt yourself cannot have any long term interest in you. The feedee to the feeder is no more than a shoe to a shoe fetishist. , they are just a vehicle to get thrills from. When you die another feedee can be found and fed until she dies. A feeder can do this forever but a feedee's body can only take so much abuse.
To me it is a disgusting and immoral act to encourage someone to commit acts that will hurt and in the long run kill them. While there's nothing legally to be done about feederism, all there can be done is to actively voice opposition to the objectification of women in the guise of admiration.
Perhaps these women feel that this is their only way of being admired and worshiped, many claimed to love themselves- but how can you love yourself without taking care of yourself? Heart disease is the number one killer of women, and the number one cause of heart disease is obesity.
Does that turn you on?
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